Hair transplant clinic Lahore Pakistan
Hair transplant surgery clinic Lahore Karachi Islamabad Peshawar Faisalabad is equipped with state of the art facilities. We have the best restoration surgeon in at our clinic, he has 24 years experience, trained and qualified from King Edward Medical University and specialization from Rene Descartes University Paris France and hair restoration surgery specialization from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France.

Best Hair Restoration Surgery Clinic Pakistan
Our clinic is equipped with state of the art facilities. We have the best hair restoration surgeon in Lahore Karachi Islamabad Peshawar Faisalabad at our clinic, he has 24 years experience, trained and qualified from King Edward Medical University and specialization from Rene Descartes University Paris France and Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France. Our clinic is offering best results and we strive to provide each individual with only the best in treatment, keeping them motivated to improve their appearance. Treatment for the infectious hair diseases and stem cell therapy to stop hair fall and regrowth are available at our clinic.
Our patients came from all over the world and we value their trust and confidence on us for the last 24 years. We furthermore assure each patient that we will offer free of cost procedure or grafts if transplanted grafts will fail or did not grow provided patients follow our before and after procedure instructions properly.

Hair Restoration Services
FUE technique in Lahore Pakistan or Follicular unit Extraction is an advanced technique of hair restoration.
Female Hair Surgery
Female hair restoration in Lahore Pakistan is carried out from the last twenty years
Follicular Unit extraction
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant done by taking individual hair follicles
Affordable cost
Low cost and reliable transplantation in Lahore Pakistan
Hair loss Treatment
It is not a disease but a cosmetic problem and we have solution for it
Body Hair Transplant
Body & beard hair use for head in Lahore Pakistan at our clinic
Hair Transplant For Men
Life long and permanent results through this procedure for men.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will it cost for 5000 grafts in Pakistan?
It depends upon which technique is used. For FUE procedure 5000 grafts cost is 150,000 to 250,000 Pak Rupee.
How much will it cost for 4000 grafts in Pakistan?
It depends upon which technique is used for hair restoration. For FUE procedure 4000 grafts cost is 175000 to 2000,000 Pak Rupee.
How much will it cost for 3000 grafts in Pakistan?
It depends upon which technique is used for hair restoration. For FUE procedure 3000 grafts cost is 75000 to 150,000 Pak Rupee.
What is the top hair restoration clinic in Pakistan?
The name of the clinic is Cosmoderma , top most clinic for hair loss treatments and surgery.
Can we use body hair to head?
Yes we can use bears, chest and other body parts hair to head in selected cases where the scalp donor area is less or already used. BHT or body hair transplant needs an extreme level of expertise and one should choose a hair surgeon who is performing it routinely otherwise your precious donor area of the body will be wasted as we.
Who is the best hair surgeon in Pakistan?
The best surgeon name is Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry, qualified & trained from Paris France, 20 years experienced and produces the best results.
Best Hair transplantation clinic in Pakistan
Hair transplant in Pakistan is offered by one of the top clinics which give promising results. It is not a specific term, rather it is a general term that outlines a number of procedures used to grow hairs in that part of the body or scalp which is showing less growth and thinning . Various procedures include follicular unit transplantation, follicular unit extraction, laser and ARTAS robotic transplant. A lot of new techniques have been researched that can be used for baldness treatment which includes use of stem cells and plasma rich proteins to grow hairs. The cost of the procedure in Pakistan is economical and affordable.
Among these procedures, FUT, FUE, ARTAS robotic, stem cell and direct implantation DHI are successfully performed in Pakistan. These processes are being used to solve medical as well as cosmetic issues. One out of two males in Pakistan face balding issues, out of which a great number of men exist who have just crossed their teenage years. The issue is also seen in females; however, the proportion of females as compared to males is low. This might be due to genetic dominance of DHT hormones in males.
Types of hair transplantation in Pakistan
The types of treatments include surgical and non-surgical approaches. Surgical approaches include FUE, FUT, stem cell and ARTAS hair restoration. They are invasive procedures, though the degree of invasiveness varies depending upon the choice of procedure and the numbers of grafts needed to be transplanted. As compared to non-surgical options, the surgical procedures are more successful. The basic approach includes the transfer of follicles from the donor area to a recipients’ area. The transplanted grafts shed and become the pioneers for new strands. The scars formed, healed in a few months. Pre and post treatment is required.
Another approach to treat balding includes the non-surgical approaches. The cost of non-surgical procedure in Pakistan ranges from Rs. 5000 to 40,000. Non-surgical remedies include application of topical solutions such as minoxidil, using nutritional supplements containing vitamins and proteins and application of growth promoter oils on the scalp. These remedies are time taking but the results are promising. These techniques are efficient for the people who do not want to undergo any surgical procedure. They have proven efficacies. The medications can be used after proper consultation by a doctor. These mostly work by inhibiting the progression of thinning.
Cost of hair transplant in Pakistan
The cost varies depending on various factors such as the choice of procedure, the expenses in travelling and the amount spent in pre and post treatment medications. It also depends upon the availability of service and the skills and experience of the doctor. It might be possible that one surgical procedure is not suitable for a person depending upon the desired results. The details of these procedures, cost and ideal candidates would be discussed below. All the mentioned procedures for hair regrowth are surgical procedures; however, a number of non-surgical approaches are also available. One should search for the best Fue in Pakistan.
This is also known as follicular unit extraction, and one of the most common processes employed to solve the problem. This includes the use of extraction of follicular units, which are the young hairs, from a dominant area on the scalp. These units are then kept alive in cultures where the nutritional and temperature requirement is the same as that of scalp. This optimum environment helps to keep the follicles alive which are the most important step of this technique. The follicles are then harvested in the recipient’s area.
Cost of the Fue hair transplant in Pakistan – per graft cost
FUE is considered as the best hair restoration technique in Pakistan and the cost of FUE is 90-100 rupees per graft. One session of FUE is completed in almost 6 hours in which almost 3500 grafts are transplanted. FUE can be completed in small, medium, large and mega large sessions in which the numbers of transplanted grafts are 1000, 1000-1500. 1500-2500 and 3000 to 4000, respectively. The session chosen depends upon the number of grafts intended for transplantation. Sometimes, a person might need more than one session in order to get desired results. This makes the price range from 60,000 to 150,000 Pak Rupees.
This method is suitable for the people whose hairlines are going backward, people who have partial balding. This technique is least invasive and the scars are invisible. Post treatment care is simple. The sensitivity of the scalp is not lost, the transplanted hairs shed and then new hairs grow in place in 2-8 months. The risk of side effects is low. In order to get a successful treatment, try finding a well experienced and well skilled doctor. All the concerns of the patient and the total expense should be discussed in detail before initiation, to remove any sort of confusion.
Is FUT- an old technique?
Another common technique in Pakistan is the follicular unit transplant, FUT. During FUT, a strip is cut from the back of the scalp. This is usually from an area showing normal growth. The size of the strip ranges from 1 to 1.5cm; however, it depends upon the number of follicles needed to be transplanted. The follicles are removed from the strip and they are harvested in the recipient area showing hair loss and thinning. It is a quick procedure as compared to FUE. The cost of FUT is less as compared to FUE cost in Pakistan, and it ranges from 50,000 to 80,000 Pak Rupees. Most people get the results in 3-12 months.
More advances in this procedure have led to the development of microscopic follicular unit transplantation, MFUT, also known as follicular unit strip surgery, FUSS. These techniques give more promising results as compared to conventional FUT procedure; however these cost even more and require high skill and experience. The number of possible side effects has also been reduced by employing more advanced procedures. The surgery works best for receding hairlines.
The best hair transplant results in Pakistan
FUT technique in Pakistan is as common as FUE, however the process needs to be more advanced. A number of clinics are providing their services with successful results. Teams of doctors and technicians are working to achieve the best outcomes; the doctors perform the strip harvesting procedure and technicians are needed to remove follicles from the strip. There is usually a scar formation after this procedure which did not disappear . The ideal candidates are those who have not undergone complete baldness.
This process is best in the treatment of baldness due to androgenetic alopecia. Total cost of FUT surgery in Pakistan depends upon the number of grafts needed to be transplanted, the skill and experience of the doctor and the area or city one wishes to get the transplant. Norwood baldness is best treated with FUT. If you have thick hairs; you should definitely select a FUT process for the treatment. it is a safe process and gives a natural looking hairline with voluminous hairs. As compared to FUE, people did not like any more FUT due to side effects , numbness , scar and pain.
Stem Cell – Most advance & Latest technique
It is the latest technique. It is an amazing technique. This technique utilizes the benefits of FUE and FUT. In this process, follicles are taken out from the donor area and the stem cells are left behind which have the potential to regrow, in both the recipient and donor area. This can be used on the scalp as well as on the face. The main drawback of this technique is that it should be avoided if the candidate is experiencing progressive hair loss. Stem cell hair implant in Pakistan costs $1 to $1.5 per graft.
The results are usually noticed in a period of three months. It gives a fairly natural look . It gives maximum density in a go. There is no scar formation. It can be used to fix the undesirable results from other transplant procedures. Sometimes, the patient may require post treatment medications in case of any infection or swelling. If the patient is taking alcohol or cigarettes, he should stop the consumption at least two weeks’ prior treatment. This technique is employed in order to get thicker hairs, a transformation free from scars and maximum results in a single session.
Robotic procedure
It is performed in a few cities as it is a newer procedure and requires high class robotic technology. It is a specialized procedure that uses a robot arm for hair restoration. Preciseness is the most remarkable feature of this process. It is the least invasive process utilized so far. it claims to give the maximum permanent results as possible. This procedure is almost mistake free as it is completely automated. It does not rely on the skills and experience of a surgeon. It uses a robotic arm to calculate the number of roots needed for transplant.
The same robotic arm performs harvesting. This is the most expensive baldness treatment in Pakistan and costs around $6000, as it involves the use of highly advanced robots with artificial intelligence. It can treat receding hairline, balding and thinning. it is a much faster procedure, efficient and consistent. The chances of errors are low. However, it can be used for darker hairs and the hairs are needed to be dyed in darker shade if the color is light. One of the major limitations of robotic technology is that it cannot be used on patients who have limited roots on the donor site.
ARTAS in Pakistan
It is another name for robotic transplant, can be used for eyebrows, eyelash and moustache transplant. The patient should stop using any blood thinning agents before procedure. Alcohol and cigarette consumption are also prohibited at least two weeks before procedure. This process involves two steps: graft harvesting, involves the selection and harvesting of best follicles which can serve the purpose of grafts, and site creation, which involves the preparation of site using robotic services signifying angle, depth and density required for growth of perfect hairs. Afterwards the roots are inserted manually. Robotic procedure videos are available at the clinics offering this service.
Post-surgical care includes taking pain killers. Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed in order to lower the risk of infection. In case of any reaction or side effect, consult your doctor immediately. The major advantage of this technique is that the robotic machine gives a virtual postsurgical image of the person before the procedure. One can also negotiate with his doctor upon his desired look or design a custom model to check different options regarding hair grafts and hair distribution using this remarkable 3D technology.
DHI technique
DHI is also included among the top 10 hair regrowth techniques in Pakistan. It is a modified version of FUE technique. In this method, the surgeon makes incisions and implants hairs at the same time. The best candidates for DHI are the people who experience androgenetic alopecia. This gives excellent results on thicker hairs. This technique favors the people who have hair color close to their skin tones. There is no scar formation. It takes almost 8 hours for completion; however the time may vary depending upon the number of hairs needed to be transplanted. DHI procedure in Pakistan costs around 150,000 to 300,000 Pak Rupees.
This is a fairly safe procedure with fewer complications reported. These include negative reactions to anesthesia when applied to numb the scalp before procedure, donor or implantation site infection, hair loss due to shock and undesired appearance. Appearance of sparse tissue around the donor site, bleeding, pain dizziness, scarring, increased heart rate and inflammation can also take place. In order to get best results, it is necessary to research best hair restoration surgeon in Pakistan who could perform desired procedures. It can effectively treat hair loss as a result of male and female pattern baldness and bald spots due to hair thinning.
Female hair transplant in Pakistan
Female hair implantation in Pakistan provides hair treatments for the women who are facing problems of hair loss due to different causes. Hair loss is less common in females as compared to males due to less dominant hair falling hormones, dihydrotestosterone, DHT. However, a number of other factors can trigger hair loss in women. These factors include stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and medical issues. FUE technique is provided by a number of clinics in Pakistan to address this issue. Women mostly suffer from diffuse hair loss in which the hairs become thin and it occurs all over the scalp especially from the back of head.
To cope with this problem, FUE is considered as the best hair restoration in Pakistan, for females. If the hair loss is non hormonal, the candidates would get desired results from this procedure. If the hair loss or thinning is due to any medical cause, it is better to sort the root cause rather than going for a surgical procedure. Women usually have less share of baldness as compared to men, but they are more concerned about their looks which might create a stressful situation favoring further hair loss. Consulting with a doctor to solve the root cause is the best option in this regard.
Body hair use for head in Pakistan
For people with a limited number of donor sites, body hairs are used in Pakistan. This includes the extraction of hairs from any other part of the body having healthy hair growth and harvesting them on the scalp. The technique used for extraction is usually the same as that in FUE technique. The hairs from any part of the body can be used on the scalp if the texture of the hair is the same throughout the body and there is an adequate number of follicles that can give 2-3 hairs. It is the cheapest procedure in Pakistan and costs about $1 per graft.
Hairs from the chest, legs, beard and back can be used as donor site hairs. More time and skill is required in this technique so a well experienced surgeon should be preferred for this. This technique uses very fine punches for the extraction of hairs; scar formation is minimum and the recovery rate is fast. One of the significant purposes of BHT is the achievement of high density. The success of the procedure is determined by healing capacity and the hair density.
An average cost & factors determine the price
The average cost of hair implant surgery in Pakistan is usually low or economical. However, a number of factors affect the cost of the procedure employed. They would be discussed one by one. The degree of baldness affects the cost of the treatment. If great hair loss has occurred, the degree of baldness is high and high cost is needed to be invested to get the desired results. Secondly, the number of grafts needed to be harvested directly influences the cost. Greater the number of grafts required, greater will be the cost.
Most of the doctors charge a certain amount per graft. Thirdly, hair transplant cost in Lahore Pakistan is determined by the choice of procedure employed? The separate charges of each procedure have been mentioned above individually. Another important factor influencing the price is the skill and experience of the doctor. Most of the well experienced doctors charge more and they assure satisfaction with results. The pre and post treatment medications are also considered while determining the cost of a procedure. The travel and residential expenses also affect the total cost of a process. One should discuss the total expenses with his doctor in detail and choose the most cost effective surgical hair process.
Non surgical Methods
Non-surgical ways for hair restoration in Pakistan are as common as the surgical procedures. These non-surgical approaches are further divided into medical and non-medical treatments. Medical treatments involve the use of medications that improve the strength and volume of hair, inhibiting hair fall. a number of medicines have been discovered and used. All of them have their distinctive mechanism of preventing hair loss and improving the condition of hairs. Most commonly used medicines to prevent hair loss are minoxidil and finasteride. Corticosteroids are also used. If the hair fall is due to infection, antifungal agents are used.
These are available in a number of dosage forms such as shampoos and topical lotions. These should be used after consultation with a doctor. The non-medical treatments include the use of anti-hair fall shampoos and oils. Castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil and rosemary oil have proven benefits and they are the cheapest hair regrowth techniques used in Pakistan. Half of the population chooses these treatments for their promising results. There is no risk of side effects with these remedies. However, if the hairs have not been showing improvement in growth, these points indicate that the hair loss is due to a cause that needs to be addressed using surgical methods.
Who can perform hair restoration in Pakistan
Our hair transplant clinic in Pakistan is supervised by Board Certified surgeon Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry and you deserve the best so get your procedure from a well-qualified and experienced surgeon. Hair loss treatments in Pakistan are used by the citizens to solve their hair related problems. This field has been progressing rapidly, and even patients from abroad choose Pakistan to get their transplants done due to some of the famous clinics situated here, which give excellent services. As most of the process employed is manual, the chances of errors exist along with the risk factors but new advances are made and newer techniques are opted according to the requirements.
The prices may be high but the customer reviews on the results in Pakistan are overall good. In order to select a place for hair loss treatment in Pakistan, a deep research is needed to be performed to save the patients from less skilled operators. Moreover, the patients should be guided properly about the procedures and rates. Government should provide funds to the research and development field of this industry so that newer techniques and equipment are introduced which can give better results in less time. Board certified doctors should be appreciated and quacks should be discouraged, along with the implementation of proper laws so that well acknowledged surgeons come forward and perform hair transplant in Pakistan with satisfactory services.
Locations:- Lahore Karachi Islamabad Peshawar Faisalabad
Why Choose Our Transplantation Services
We are the best clinic in Pakistan due to excellent results, professional advice, disposable instruments and proper hygienic conditions and maximum coverage in a single session.