Cleft lip scar fixing


Cleft lip Scar Fixing through hair transplant

Cleft lip scar fixing through hair transplant is possible nowadays. cleft lips are successfully treated today. But it leaves a visible scar on the lips. Restorative surgery can minimize or eliminate its visibility. It fills the sparse area with hair. Most of the time one surgery is needed only in a few cases a second one is needed.

A cleft lip is a  congenital disorder. It means there is a physical gap or split in the upper lip. The surgery leaves an unpleasant mark. The patients usually do not have hair growth in the operative area.

Cleft lip scar fixing Pakistan

Hair restoration for mark:

There are many methods to camouflaged It. But mostly the final results of these surgeries often are not very successful to hide them. Cleft lip scar fixing through hair transplant has proved to be the best procedure to give maximum coverage. Now the question rises which techniques will go well to cover them. Follicular unit transplant or follicular unit extraction.

FUE is considered most suitable for hiding the lip scar. This is the latest technique. Although FUT was also used for this, FUE always produced effective results. Many studies have approved FUE as the best method to cover the cleft lip post-operative mark.

The Method of cleft lip scar fixing through hair transplant:

In FUE  the patient is clinically examined. After a complete examination, all possibilities are discussed with the patient. they are advised to have reasonable expectations from the outcome. This is an outpatient procedure.

  •   On the operation day, patients are given local anesthesia. The patient can stay comfortable and calm.

  • The follicles are extracted usually from the chin or any suitable facial area. A small motorized micro punch machine is used to take out units of follicles. The unit often consists of 4 to 6 grafts.

  • These units are carefully handled. Under a sensitive microscope, units are placed and with special surgical tools, a single graft is dissected. All grafts are separated similarly.

  • Every single graft is then inserted into the recipient area. The small dot-like punches are used to place a single graft.

  • After the procedure the patient can go home. They can start routine life in one or two days.

Placing the grafts:

The placing and angle of the follicle are very important.  the single follicle should be placed in a downward orientation. It should be parallel to the skin. It will allow new growth to come out in the same direction as a mustache.

Donor area:

For the scalp body and face are used as donor sites. For this process, facial hair is the most suitable for implantation. Chin is best suitable as it is a denser area than other sites on the face.


The Patients are advised to take good care after the operation. Any negligence can cause

  •  Bleeding

  • Irritation in the operative area

  • Swelling around the area

  •  infections

  • Hair shedding ( which is normal)

Patients are prescribed few medicines to avoid any infections. Otherwise, no serious issues are reported.


 Very successful

This has proved to be the most successful surgery for cleft lip post-operative wounds. Highly recommended by the doctors.

Less invasive:

The follicles are extracted and inserted through very tiny dot-like holes. No incisions, stitches are required. No need for several visits to doctors.

 Fast healing:

The recovery time is very short. It takes hardly 3 to 4 days to recover from the operation.

Natural growth:

The hair grows naturally once they fall after the procedure.


The growth after surgery is permanent. Follicles follow the natural cycle of growth. There is no need to go for such a procedure again and again.


Need expertise:

FUE is a very sensitive process and it needs highly skilled surgeons. So wrong selection of physicians can cause a problem.


It is considered affordable as compared to other restoration techniques. But the equipment and human assistance it demands is the main reason to raise its price.

Longer procedure:

FUE takes a longer time than other methods. The basic reason is, the units are extracted one by one and then inserted one by one. to maintain the precision and right angle, the implantation process is quite slow.

May need more sessions:

Sometimes surgeons may suggest two sessions of operation. The second session is done after a gap of months. In the first session, basic follicles are settled that cover the area. The Second session is usually done to give a denser look and fill some visible gaps.


Cleft lip Scar Fixing through Hair Transplant is the most successful method to date. The results are 99% coverage and growth. The results are visible after 3 to 4 months of the surgical process. And a complete growth may be visible after 6 months.

Patients are mostly satisfied and happy with the results.

The cost:

The area to be treated in this case is quite small so it does not cost like the scalp. However, the surgery is considered costly. It does not come under insurance. Price is charged graft by graft, and the physicians charge. But the after-procedure results are worth it.

Final Words:

Cleft lip scar fixing through hair transplant is an excellent option to camouflage. Perfectly placed hair looks great. They grow like a beard or mustache. To hide the mark it is better to grow a beard and mustache a little longer.

Who is the specialist for cleft lip scar fixing in Pakistan?

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is an expert & specialist for cleft lip scar fixing through Fue hair transplant in Pakistan. He did MBBS from King Edward Medical college Lahore, specialization from Rene Descartes University & Claude Bernard University Lyon France. He is an Ex- Associate Professor Claude Bernard University and has been treating scars, alopecia, and baldness among male and female patients for the last 22 years. Get free honest & professional opinions from him. 

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