hair transplant hair life

Hair transplant hair Life


Hair transplant hair life is a major concern of every patient who is seeking treatment in Pakistan or abroad. The life of these transplanted hairs is permanent and forever as these grafts are taken from the permanent donor zone of the scalp and genetically immune from DHT hormone effect of shedding or miniaturization. Plug technique was the first-ever solution for treating baldness surgically. It was performed by Dr. Norman Orentreich in 1952. In this method, sizable plug-like patches of grafts were extracted from the donor area and inserted into the recipient area. But It’s outcome looked pretty unnatural.

A contemporary technique was performed by Dr. Bobby Limmer within the 1990s, using FUT; Follicular Unit Transplantation, a way of extracting grafts in strips then dividing them into small fragments. It’s also called Strip Procedure. Another modern technique, FUE; Follicular Unit Extraction, was developed after FUT. It’s the individual extraction of follicles directly from the scalp. These methods are used till now and are really successful.

How long does a Hair Transplant last?

One of the most perpetually asked questions, How long does a Hair Transplant hair life? Well, several medical experts believe that these transplants last forever. Let’s comprehend it better. Primarily the baldness transplants in the front and crown area of the head while the back of the head is hairy. This is because of the hormones that affect the front, crown, and sides of the head. It has additionally been noted that hormones are 90-95% cause of baldness in these areas. However other causes contribute 5% to this baldness. These hormones don’t affect donor area (hair from the back of the head) so, when they are implanted in the recipient area (front of the head), we can say that 95% of the cause of hair loss has been protected. While the other 5% can cause issues. These include diet deficiency, stress-induced thinning, some disease, or traction alopecia. So few factors that should be kept in mind to protect your hair after surgical procedure are given below :

·         Balanced Diet

·         Some nutrients

·         Use of a prescribed lotion

·         Avoid excessive coloring

·         Avoid excessive styling

These are few things that can increase the age of your hair.

Can transplanted hairs grow long?

Yes. You can grow your transplanted hair as long as you want. The sole factor that determines the length is how long you’ve stayed without getting a haircut.

Do transplanted hairs fall out?

Hairs fall out two to three weeks post-transplantation, and it is thoroughly normal. This is your body reacting to the shock your scalp has received. During this period, native hair surrounding the recipient area fall out and after the procedure,  commences growing back again. This is known as Temporary Shock Loss.

Prevalence is shedding. As all hair follows a growth cycle of Anagen (growth), Catagen (transitional), and Telogen (shedding) phase, similarly transplanted follicle goes through this routine shedding phase causing the follicle to fall out so that recipient graft can grow. It’s normal if it happens for up to 5 weeks however if hair continues to shed after this duration then you must consult your doctor. It is an infrequent case and may occur because of incorrect graft implantation thus; the body rejects the grafts and destroys the transplanted tissues. Therefore, you must select an experienced and well-known clinic for your transplant surgery.

Can you go bald after a hair transplant?

Unfortunately, there is no specific answer to this question. Look, there is a certain donor zone in the donor area that is considered excellent for graft extraction. (Usually It’s the exact middle of the donor area but varies individually) If the grafts were taken from here, they’ll probably live forever, as the follicles here are resistant to DHT and hair loss. Therefore, a successful surgery depends on a few factors; the skill of a surgeon, post-transplant care, and nutrition.

In addition to this, the proportion of successful surgeries is quite good. 55% of people face a successful surgery that lasts 10 years. For 25% of people, it lasts for more than 5years while20% people enjoy their results for more than 20years.

What is the best time for a hair transplant?

Taking Into account the best time to undergo transplant surgery, one must deem the factors for which he is confronting thinning or shedding . These factors may include sudden weight gain or loss, stress, use of certain drugs and medication, healing from a mild disease or harsh products, etc. If one of these is the reason for your shedding then you don’t have to go for a hair implantation procedure. However, one must take good care . But if you are noticing about 70% to 80% thinning from a specific part of your scalp or you’re on the 5th or 6th stage of the Norwood Scale then it would be a good time to go for hair restoration surgery in Pakistan or elsewhere. No need to worry as hair transplant hair life is permanently and ever lasting

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